The Urban Existentialist

And so begins a new blog; a new outlet. I’ve been relatively absent from the world of social networking for the past year and a half or so. Once an avid writer and composer, I now attempt to ease my way back into this congested virtual landscape.

The Explorer

Original Poetry - "There was a whisper of despondency betwixt my heart and lungs. I called for peace and understanding when I thought I would find none. My silent tearful screams of drunken pain rang louder than my art"

Christmas Day In the City

Christmas time is my absolute favorite time of the year. As kids, we spent Christmas Eve night bedded down on the floor, eyes fixed upon the faint glimmer of light and shadows seeping through the crack beneath the bedroom door, and ear pressed against the warm hard wood in (almost) silent anticipation of any vestige of the arrival of dear St. Nick (or at least I did).

I am Immortal. I am Eternal. I am Everlasting

Original Poetry - "I am immortal. I am everlasting. I am eternal. When the cruel damnation of a barbarous existence beats with iron fists upon my door, I AM UNWAVERING. When the knavish fingers of temptation's imploring hand reach out toward my reestablished calm, I AM FIRM. When the rigors and asperities of a squandered domain bid me doth arrive, I AM RESOLUTE. When the drunken cries of an addlebrained generation resound with charm and temporary resplendency, I AM UNDAUNTED."

Hello Chief - Pantry Ants Album Review

I'm sitting outside on a muggy Beaumont evening, laptop alive and buzzing on an aged wooded picnic table along Westgate Drive. In the distance I can hear cars streaking down Dowlen splashing tiny puddles of water onto the grassy curb. The smoke from a Marlboro Smooth 100 drifting from my hand does little to scatter the swarm of tiny mosquitos circling around my head. The bright LED glow of my computer screen is simply too inviting, and I've given up all hope of sharing this evening alone. As I scroll through my iTunes playlist searching for the perfect compliment to my reanimated morning coffee, the playful album art of a certain local favorite catches my eye as it has so many times before.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Day in the City

Christmas time is my absolute favorite time of the year. As kids, we spent Christmas Eve night bedded down on the floor, eyes fixed upon the faint glimmer of light and shadows seeping through the crack beneath the bedroom door, and ear pressed against the warm hard wood in (almost) silent anticipation of any vestige of the arrival of dear St. Nick (or at least I did).

After learning the truth behind the existence of Father Christmas, the "magic" behind the season seems to evanesce with each new year for most children. As a child of 26, Christmas "spirit" seems to be more of a grand and ambitious achievement rather than a magical feeling these days. Every year I adorn my apartment or home with festive decor, put How the Grinch Stole Christmas on a loop, and tune in to my favorite Christmas stations via Pandora beginning sometime in late November with the stubborn hope of granting the spirit of Christmas just enough time to possess my readily accepting heart. It just hasn't taken hold these last few years.

I love being a father. It's a privilege that I earnestly and affectionately hold dear. This being my first Christmas as a father, I am grateful to have discovered the most amazing way to begin to truly and amply experience said fleeting Christmas spirit once more via the arrival of my lovely daughter Eloise into our world on April 21 of this year.

I am convinced that when you choose to become a parent, you are blessed with a renewed sense of wonder in regards to the magical stories we once held so dear as kids. That being said, this has been the most magical Christmas season thanks to Ella and my beautiful girlfriend Tamara.
After spending the weekend with family and friends, we awoke on Christmas afternoon and shared a wonderful day together that was made all the more magical by the first snow of the season here in Dallas but more so by the culmination of our first Christmas together as a family. I can only be thankful, and hope that next Christmas will be just as stark.

BEFORE - 11:00am                                                 AFTER - 1:00pm

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Urban Existentialist

And so begins a new blog; a new outlet. I’ve been relatively absent from the world of social networking for the past year and a half or so. Once an avid writer and composer, I now attempt to ease my way back into this congested virtual landscape.

The possibility of re-submitting my everyday thoughts, opinions, and often fleeting and ill-conceived conjectures to “the grid” and making my sentiments available to public eye once more has been a thought I’ve been toying with for the past few months. Although I’m not sure just how much time and energy I can dedicate this time around, I feel that having the readily available option and means to vent, rant, objurgate, or publically praise any topic I feel the need to make known on a large scale (rather than spend 15 minutes conjuring up a witty one-liner via Twitter or Facebook that must be less than 140 characters) is grand.

I’ve decided to title my blog, “The Urban Existentialist”. “Urban” in tribute to my Dallas residency and my goal to experience on, a daily basis, the abundance of diverse entertainment and culture the metroplex has to offer. “Existentialist” because I am a firm believer that, as individuals, true joy, meaning, and peace of mind is only achieved through the living of a purposeful and authentic life. In essence, “Life IS what you make of it”.

In my humble opinion, a lifetime void of diverse experiences, lacking in even minimal exposure to various arts, cultures, theories, creeds, landscapes, and even foods is an adulterous existence that can only end in regretful and ill-timed excommunication. I love new experiences and trying new things, and it’s the aforementioned belief that causes me to strive to live an authentic life filled with new experiences, risks, and adventures.
I will note and clarify, for those students of philosophy out there reading this, that my opinion on a full life lived defined by new experiences, risks, etc. is just that, an opinion. To contradict my personal views, the man who lived a monotonous life and enjoyed residing in a state of sameness surrounded only by familiar things, who never ventured out of his proverbial comfort zone, may also have lived an authentic life if said state of monotony was true to his unique spirit and character.

That’s just not me.

End possible philosophical debate.

And in closing, I aim to utilize this blog as a personal log of observations, criticisms, and my day to day life as a pupil of the pre-existing and timeless existential views of which I’ve resolved to further incorporate into my daily life. This based on my goal to live a purposeful and authentic life as well as my wish to share it with others. You can most likely expect subject matter to include, music and culinary reviews, written and photo based journal entries, political criticisms, as well as my occasional attempts at prose. If nothing else, this blog will serve as a written record of my thoughts of which I can later reflect upon. However, I do invite you to read along and possibly be introduced to subject matter of which you may not be familiar with whether that be a band you’ve never heard of, a restaurant you’ve never been to, or a way of thinking you've never been exposed to.

Happy reading.